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Self-expression through art

As human beings, we all have a lot of thoughts and feelings. Sometimes we share them, sometimes not. Through psychological studies, we all know that collecting negative thoughts in one’s mind can be harmful. It affects both our mental and physical states. For our own well-being, we need to express ourselves. Self-expression includes any activity that allows us to transfer our feelings in any other form and makes us feel better.

Art is the most popular option chosen by every age group to express themselves. Not only because one is often short of words, but because we as humans relate colours to our emotions. It has many therapeutic benefits, which even calm and soothe our minds. Involving oneself in one's own creativity aids in healing by allowing oneself to let go of any other type of worry while creating art. It helps us take a step forward to better understand the situation and our own feelings in a better manner. Art becomes a tool for communicating with ourselves and managing our emotions in a better way.

Self-expressive portraits are one of the best ways to express personal feelings. By creating self-expressive art, you can connect and communicate with your feelings, emotions, personality, and eventually the whole of yourself through the simple use of colour combinations. Moreover, self-expressive portraits can be an effective form of self-reflection and self-care. One understands one's own emotions on a deeper level which relieves stress. Creating art is given as a therapeutic activity by psychologists to their patients. Abstract has been a popular art form for such art among adults to express the chaos in the mind. On the other hand, coloring books are considered to be a great measure of releasing stress and anxiety among teens. Even toddlers choose colors to express their emotions. They identify emotions with colors and create according to that. Children’s Art Museum acknowledges these creative children and supports their form of expression. Share your child’s colorful emotions with us and explore the arts of others. Sign up today at Children’s Art Museum!

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