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Art - imitation of your thoughts

Plato's theory of art suggests that it is merely an imitation of reality, a representation of the objects and events we encounter in everyday life. However, artists believe that creating art involves much more than just making something; it's a process that requires deep thinking and feeling. In fact, they consider thinking and feeling to be the most critical aspects of their work because they inspire and guide the creation process..

While making art may not directly change our thinking or transform us as individuals, it does provide a unique opportunity to explore our inner selves. Through art, we can gain a deeper understanding of our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and emotions, which may otherwise go unnoticed. Sometimes, this self-exploration may reveal mundane or silly thoughts, while at other times, it may bring to light profound, deeply-rooted patterns that shape our behaviour and perceptions.

Art allows us to step back and observe the ebb and flow of our thoughts and feelings, giving us a moment of clarity in the midst of chaos. This clarity enables us to identify patterns that may be detrimental and work towards weeding them out to make room for acceptance and love. By seeing our thoughts and feelings as just that, we can use them to create art instead of allowing them to take control of our minds.

Making art daily can help us become familiar with our minds' inner workings and how our hands translate those thoughts into reality. This process leads to increased self-awareness and acceptance, ultimately resulting in greater satisfaction in our art and more confidence in ourselves.

Next time you feel stuck or uninspired, try using art to look inward. Spend a few minutes drawing your thoughts and feelings, without judgment or expectations. Who knows, you might just uncover something profound. #childrenmuseum #cami #childrenartists #digitalart #chidlrensartmuseum #artistsoftheworld

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