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Learn how you can easily navigate through our website. Submitting art on our website is very user friendly.

Interactive Learning

Be part of the social networking Community of Artists by interacting with your fellow artists. Explore art according to age groups and style of art. Win awards in different categories chosen by art professionals. CAMI opens a whole world of art to you along with additional learning resources about different forms of Art through regular Blogs, Newsletters, and Sessions with Art Mentors.

It's not just about displaying your art but expanding your horizon and making art a fun learning process!

Want to learn more about our platform? 

Batsal, Nepal

I love submitting my artwork on CAMI. 

I also enjoy participating in monthly challenges.

Amber, South Africa

CAMI is such a wonderful platform. I sit together with my friends and we paint our ideas and display them on the site

Ana, Brazil

I have won the artist of the month award and I like to submit my artwork each month. 

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